Berkey Stainless Systems

Berkey Stainless Systems


Crown Berkey-Water-Purification-SystemThe Crown Berkey Water Purification System
The Crown Berkey water purifier is the largest system available. It’s perfect for a large family or even a sizeable group.
Quick Stats:
Home, Groups and Emergency Use
Dimensions: 30″ High x 11″ Wide
Pure Water Holding Capacity in Gallons: 6
Flow Rate in Gallons Per Hour: *26(*When Fully Loaded With 8 Purification Elements)




The Imperial Berkey Water Purification System
The Imperial Berkey water purifier is the second largest system available. Like the Crown, It’s great for large families and groups.
Quick Stats:
Home, Groups and Emergency Use
Dimensions: 26.5″ High x 10″ Wide
Pure Water Holding Capacity in Gallons: 4.5
Flow Rate in Gallons Per Hour: *16.5
(*When Fully Loaded With 6 Purification Elements)


Royal-BerkeyThe Royal Berkey Water Purification System
The Royal Berkey water purifier is the third largest system available. It’s great for large families, camping and groups.
Quick Stats:
Home, Small Groups and Emergency Use
Dimensions: 24″ High x 9.5″ Wide
Pure Water Holding Capacity in Gallons: 3.25
Flow Rate in Gallons Per Hour: *8.0
(*When Fully Loaded With 4 Purification Elements)


Big-BerkeyThe Big Berkey Water Purification System
The Big Berkey water purifier is a very popular residential sized system and is great for a large family or small group.
Quick Stats:
Home, Camping and Emergency Use
Dimensions: 20″ High x 8.5″ Wide
Pure Water Holding Capacity in Gallons: 2.25
Flow Rate in Gallons Per Hour: *7.0
(*When Fully Loaded With 4 Purification Elements)


Travel-BerkeyThe Travel Berkey Water Purification System
The Travel Berkey water purifier is great for an individual, a small family, or an overnight camping trip for a small group.
Quick Stats:
Home, Camping and Emergency Use
Dimensions: 18″ High x 7.5″ Wide (Can be “nested” to 12″ for Travel)
Pure Water Holding Capacity in Gallons: 1.50
Flow Rate in Gallons Per Hour: *2.75 (*When Fully Loaded With 2 Purification Elements)

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