– What is the diameter of TOUGH-GRID® Ultra-Cord (UHMWPE / Dyneema®) –
Our Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene is about 3/16″ to 1/4″ in diameter but we may sell larger or smaller diameter braids in the future.

– How much stretch does TOUGH-GRID® Ultra-Cord (UHMWPE / Dyneema®) have? –
UHMWPE has very little stretch. Testing shows that it will only elongate about 3%. The reason this is so important is “stored energy”… steel cables and chains store massive amounts of energy and when they break, they can whip around and cause serious and life-threatening injuries. Ultra-Cord – if you can break it 😉 – falls harmlessly to the ground instead of injuring bystanders.
– What are the results of the tensile strength test of TOUGH-GRID® Ultra-Cord? –
UHMWPE is around 15 times stronger than steel by weight and a 3/16″ to 1/4″ diameter braid of UHMWPE has an average break strength of 5,000lbs! You won’t find anything stronger with less stretch. It’s also about 40% stronger than Kevlar©.
– What sort of temperatures can Ultra-Cord be subjected to? –
UHMWPE has a melting point of around 266°F to 277°F. It is not advisable to use UHMWPE fibres at temperatures exceeding 176°F to 212°F for long periods of time. Ultra-Cord is extremely durable in the cold and only becomes brittle at temperatures below −240°F!
– Is TOUGH-GRID® UHMWPE Weather or UV Resistant? –
UHMWPE embodies all the characteristics of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) with the added traits of being resistant to concentrated acids and alkalis as well as numerous organic solvents. It is highly resistant to corrosive chemicals, has extremely low moisture absorption, and a very low coefficient of friction. It is also self-lubricating, and is highly resistant to abrasion. UHMWPE is generally considered to be 15 times more resistant to abrasion than carbon steel. Its coefficient of friction is significantly lower than that of nylon and acetal, and is comparable to that of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE / Teflon), but UHMWPE has better abrasion resistance than PTFE / Teflon. UHMWPE is not inherently UV-resistant, but certain formulations and manufacturing processes can produce a UV-resistant version of UHMWPE. It just so happens our Ultra-Cord is made with a UV-resistant version of UHMWPE!
– Will this cord become permanently twisted/curled?
Nope! One of the other great properties of Ultra-Cord is that it has no memory. Steel cable will become curled and kinked over time if wrapped around a drum or stored improperly and that will never happen with Ultra-Cord.
– Is Ultra-Cord considered Light-Weight? –
Definitely… it’s the only “super fiber” that has a density below 1.0, meaning it can actually float on water!
– What are the Common Uses for Ultra-Cord or UHMWP? –
Great for camping, towing, guy lines, snare cord, replacement bowstring, tying things down, emergency/disaster prep, and much more. There are virtually unlimited uses!

– How Do I Cut UHMWP without Causing It to Fray? –
UHMWP is a unique fiber that is harder to seal than paracord. You can cut it with scissors, a razor, or any other knife, but you’ll also want to use a 1/4″ to 1/8″ heat shrink tube to seal the ends and prevent fraying. Some have used super glue to prevent fraying as well. We provide a 1 foot section of double-walled, adhesive mil-spec shrink tube with every 100Ft. roll of Ultra-Cord. Many people like to pre-cut and seal sections to store in their boats, houses, or vehicles.
– Is the loop end held together with the shrink tube capable of a full load? –
NO, if you make a loop out of the shrink tube it will only have about a 2,000lb breaking strength at the tube portion MAX. We recommend you tie a good knot (like a bowline, depending on your use) to make a loop and use the shrink tube only for the purpose of sealing the ends so the cord doesn’t come unraveled.

– Does the Natural White Color Have a Different Feel Than Colored Options? –
Yes, since UHMWPE cannot be “dyed” like nylon or polyester, the coloring is added to the ~outside of the cord. It is a waxy coloring that will wear off over time and this affects how the cord feels in your hands. Natural White Ultra-Cord has no coloring and will therefore feel softer and a little bit slicker. All colored options will be stiffer and feel slightly more grabby.

– Can I Splice Ultra-Cord Like Other Ropes? –
You sure can! There are some great video tutorials online for doing this and it holds quite well.
– Will Knots in Ultra-Cord Hold Well? –
Since UHMWPE is so slick, knotting is tricky. This is why we recommend splicing wherever possible… that said, you can tie knots in this material, but remember that it will start slipping well before the cord’s working load limit. For example, a bowline will generally slip at around ~550lbs of force. There are a few knots that will work well, even for this slick material: the EStar Knot, EStar Hitch, and Triple Fisherman’s Knot. The Triple Fisherman’s Knot will slip eventually, but at much higher loads than other knots. If tied properly, the EStar Knot and Estar Hitch won’t slip.

Bowline Knot with Shrink Tube to Secure End
Here is an interesting article about different types of sailing knots and their affect on breaking strength:
– What Colors of Ultra-Cord Do You Sell? –
Currently, we are offering Black, Natural White, Orange, Red, and Yellow.